Thursday, January 01, 2009

new hopes; new prospects; a new year...

2009 has arrived.

It came in quietly--no fanfare, no hoopla. Just a click of the clock that announced the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009.

This is the time of the year that people evaluate their lives; the things that are good, the areas that are in need of work, and the prospects and direction for the future.

As I sit here and look back on our past year, a variety of emotions wash over me. I am filled with both sadness and happiness as I think of the times with our friends in England, joy when I remember Michaela's choice to accept Christ and be baptized for the remission of her sins, and pride for the accomplishments Emma Shea has made. There was also worry for the uncertainty of our futures and thankfulness for all that we had been blessed with. {which if I had focused on the blessings more, the worry would have been lessened:)} It was a year that brought much stress and uncertainty and allowed us to become closer as a family as we worked through the confusion.

2008--in small snippets--was filled with difficulty, frustrations heartbreaks, and stress.

2008--in the 'big picture'--was filled with joy and thanksgiving as we worked through the obstacles!

I do not know what 2009 has in store for us.
I know that there will be times of joy and times of uncertainty.

I know that there will be change. It is inevitable.
Because that is what makes up life.

2009 brings new hopes; new prospects.

2009 is a new year filled with new hopes and new prospects, but the same Almighty God that controls everything.

I have made 'resolutions' for myself and my family for this new year. Changes and achievements that I/we will strive to accomplishment. I know that if our focus remains on living a life that is Christ-centered all things are possible. I know that because our God does not falter in His promises, whatever 2009 brings will not be greater than Him.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Happy New Year!