He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:2-4
This evening during the invitation at Bible study, Emma was acting up--wiggling, squirming; being a regular booger. After the prayer, I looked at her and told her I was very disappointed in her behavior and that God was very sad because she disobeyed her parents and she was disruptive to others. I told her she needed to tell God she was sorry for her behavior. Of course this broke her heart and the tears began to flow. In that moment, the lesson I was trying to teach to my child became a lesson for ME.
Emma was sincerely upset that her behavior was disappointing. No act of discipline would have had a greater impact on her little heart. When do we lose that deep emotional reaction to our disobedience? When does the genuine remorse for disobeying our heavenly Father become numb in us? How do we remain as 'little children"?
I pray Lord, that I can take the lesson that Emma taught me tonight and feel deep remorse when I have sinned. I pray that I am genuinely pained knowing I have disappointed you. I pray for my heart to be as pure as my child's. I thank you for the lesson I thought I was teaching, but I was actually learning.