Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.{I John 1:16-17}
Be thankful for GOD....
...because He is all powerful; omnipotent.
I John 4:4 comforts us by letting us know that we can overcome false teachers; those that test our spirit because our God is greater than all that may come against us.
You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. {I John 4:4}
... because He is good.
We sing a song with our girls, "My God is so good, so strong and so mighty. There's nothing my God cannot do.
And He is.
...because He is love.
What greater love can be shown than that which has been shown to us by God. He has prepared an eternal home for the faithful and He sacrificed His only Son so that those that are obedient to His word can live in His presence in eternity .
The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love. By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. {I John 4:8-10}
...because He is incorruptible.
Though we are sinners, falling short of God's word, God is sinless. God is truth and light and is faithful to His word. the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago... {Titus 1:2}
This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. {I John 1:5)
...because He is patient with us.
Throughout all of history, mankind has shown hatred, apathy, disregard for God and His love for us. Yet, with all of the followers of sin; the neglect of the truth, God has remained patient. Christ has not returned to take the faithful to heaven because God wants all to have the opportunity to accept Him in their lives and be baptized for the remission of our sins. He wants none to perish.
The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. {2 Peter 3:9}
...because He is faithful.
God is unwavering in His desire for our obedience. He does not falter in what He requires of ALL man for their salvation. He is consistent in His love for us. He has promised a glorious home in heaven for those who live a faithful life. He will not turn away from us. He means what He says, and He says what He means.
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful {Hebrews 10:23}
There are times in our lives that we may questions the 'goodness' of God; the presence of God in our lives. There are times when we are confronted with heartache, uncertainty, and temptations. Times we question 'Why?'; 'Why me?'. Times we feel our Lord has left us. That we are alone. But we are not. Our God is a gracious, patience, loving, merciful God. Our God is a God that we can lean on; that we can give all of our troubles to. Our God is good.
Thank God for God!!!!
beginning of the Christmas season....I am not sure I am ready for that!
end of NABLOPOMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I made it.
30 post in 30 days.
You wouldn't think that writing about something everyday for 30 days would be difficult, but it was exhausting at times.
I enjoyed it. It was great to actually do something with my time. To use some 'brain power'!!??
Now I can waste my nights just surfing the net for useless information!!
But it is over.
NaBloPoMo 2008 has come to a close.
There is always next year to look forward to!!!!