We had seen her sucking her thumb in the womb and she was DETERMINED to continue sucking it after birth. {She is slightly strong-willed and stubborn~~just like her Daddy:)} So, because it was part who she was as an infant, I wanted a picture of her sucking her thumb.
Of course, do you think the little
So I did what every good mother does...
I put candy on her thumb!!
Hey, anything to get the shot :)
Fast forward 5 years...
Right after starting Kindergarten, the thumb sucking ended quickly~~ with the application of Hoof Hands.
Unfortunately, the bad habit has reappeared in the last few months.
And it's not so cute at 5!
Whenever she is watching a DVD or sleeping, the thumb is in her mouth:(
On the way to Bible study last week, I heard the sound of her contently sucking on her thumb.
"How do you KNOW when I have it in my mouth?"
"I am a mommy, I just know!"
"But is so hard! It is sooo yummy!"
I was very thankful I was in the front seat so she could not see me laughing:)
To recap: