It has to happen...
We cannot fight it. It is inevitable.
At some point in our adult life we will realize that the one thing we swore would never happen has happened...
Sometime, between the frivolous days of college and the trying days of middle age, the inescapable occurs...
we open our mouths and the words that come forth are not our own....
they are the words of OUR PARENTS!!!!
As you are having a conversation with your husband about budgeting (UGH!) and you say,"You know, if I had extra money right now I would love to go to the nursery and get some plants for the yard" you are taken back a decade (or two) when your mother asked for a wheelbarrow (or garden hose, or toilet~~something crazy) for her birthday; You see your teenager looking at you like you are a lunatic. You remember giving the same look and thinking how weird it was to want something besides clothing or jewelry~~let alone a wheelbarrow! You realize at the very moment the words passed through your lips there was no turning back.
The imminent has happened...
You have become your parent!!