Friday, February 26, 2010

friday frivolity...

It is 9:20 on a Friday night and the girls are in bed...

Does that give you any indication as to how the day has gone????

But it is Friday...

so yeah for the weekend...

and more of my ramblings about nothing!

Which isn't really different from any other day is it:)
So this week I have...

registered my baby for high school...

cried because I registered my baby for high school...

found our dream home--in the worst location...

started looking for houses again...

cooked, swept, did a few loads of laundry...

failed epically as a parent...

lost my mind...

gained a few more gray hairs...

taken my first DMS quiz...

scanned my first DMS study...

performed toothfairy duties...

failed epically as a parent...

lost my mind...

gained a few more gray hairs...

found another house in a better location...

reaffirmed how much I HATE group projects...

heard that I need new tires for the 126,497th time...

saw old friends...

purged toys and clothes...

was told that the CVC joints ??? on Steve's car need replaced...

taken pencils/socks/paper/from the dog too many times to count...

drove Michaela a bazillion miles back and forth between play practice and dance practice...

failed epically as a parent...

lost my mind...

gained a few more gray hairs...

just another ordinary week!