It is NOT ME! that after 5 snow days last week, is sooooooo happy to put my daughters on the school bus this morning.
It was NOT ME!!! that thought I had dropped my phone on the snow while taking the dog out.
It was certainly NOT ME!! that searched and searched for the cell phone in my backyard~~hoping it made a hole when it fell that I would be able to see in the snow.
It was NOT ME! that finally had my daughter call the NOT lost cell phone so that I could hear it ringing as I searched in the 3 inches of snow.
It was NOT ME! that heard the ringing of the NOT lost cell phone in the pocket of the hoodie I had put on to go outside.
It was NOT ME! that told my 12 year to stop shaking her head at me; that one day she would be old too.
They say the mind is the first to go!! Boy am I glad I did not do this. I would be worried that my mind was teetering on the edge It was NOT ME! that spent hours cleaning off our driveway only to have the snow plow come through and block the entrance with 6 inches of snow!
Gotta' love the county to NOT leave piles of snow in front of driveways!!
It was NOT ME! that gave my children a choice of leftover chicken spaghetti concoction or popcorn for dinner. It WAS NOT! my children who chose popcorn! It WAS NOT! me who then went out to eat steak with my husband.
This would have been the first time in a loooooooong time we went out childless~~if, you know , we actually did this!
It as NOT ME! that 2 days after serving my children popcorn for dinner, went out for dinner and a movie with my husband~~WITH.NO.CHILDERN. again!
Hey, I at least would have fixed them hamburgers and a vegetable for dinner if I had actually gone on date and left them home again!
$12.50 a day is $12.50 more than I make now!!! Hmmm.
It is NOT ME! that is beginning her new college career tomorrow! It is NOT ME! that will be sitting in classrooms with students young enough to be MY children. I mean who would choose a complete career change at the age of 39 and 51 weeks! NOT ME!!!