I cannot believe my baby is 11--but it has happened. We had planned on having a ski party (at an indoor ski facility near here) with 5 or so of her friends, but since we have extra children all the time, we thought we would take advantage of 4 days without any extra children and head away just as a family.
So Monday morning, after dropping Hannah, Alyssa, and Max off at their house, we loaded into the van and headed towards the beach. Our first birthday surprise for Michaela was a stop at RocBlok--a rock climbing facility in Rutland--near a man made lake. She had a great time doing the climbing walls and the obstacle course--in the air!!! We had a great time WATCHING!!! She is actually a natural at the rock climbing and is interested in finding a club!?! Who would have thought!!
We decided to take advantage of the sunshine and walk around the lake and watch the sailboats and windsurfers--
and of course Emma NEEDED an ice cream!
We then headed towards Whitby. We took a chance on finding a hotel--which in this country is a gamble--but we found one and we found a Frank and Benny's--a little touch of America. We ate dinner there and then headed to the hotel for a good nights sleep.
The next morning--Michaela's birthday--we got ready to go to the beach!! We packed up the van and then went down to eat breakfast. The restaurant had the proper English breakfast--we all opted for portions of it and we convinced Michaela to try some Marmite. It is either a love it or hate it kind of thing.
Can you tell what Michaela's reaction was!!!
It is VERY DISGUSTING--taste like thick beef bouillon
We then headed to Whitby--to swim in the North Sea!!
Or maybe not--cloudy, windy, and COLD!!! Of course, a few weeks of sunshine--until we decide to head to the water.
Oh well, we had a great time walking the boardwalk, seeing the Whitby Abbey, walking up and down the 199 steps to the Abbey and shopping.
We headed back home yesterday. On the way we saw a sign for an 11th century priory that was used during the preparation of the attack on Normandy--D-day. So we stopped. Walked around fro an hour and then headed back on the road.
We made it home safe and sound--ready for the next birthday adventure in 2 weeks--when Emma turns 4!!!!