We made it back with little adventure--but you know with us there has to be some!!!
The flight from London to Detroit was uneventful--smooth flying the entire way. We made our connecting flight and then waited. We sat on the flight line for quite awhile, but we were finally able to take off. Halfway into the flight the pilot comes on and says we are having to turn around and fly back to Detroit (we only had 25 minutes to go until we arrived at CVG!!!) We flew back, loaded onto another plane and then headed to Cincinnati. Two hours later than expected we landed!
Michaela had planned on stopping at a restaurant once we landed. Since it was about 4am our time (UK), we headed straight to the house. The girls looked around and then crashed. Saturday we woke up late, went to BP to fill up with petrol(that was ugly!!!), ate at Skyline, and then went to Target for a few things. The next stop was Hannah's house. ***Oh yeah, I drove through the sub-division and all the way down Hicks Pike on the left side of the road and could not figure out why the idiot in the white truck would not get over--I became aware quickly!!!!!!
The rest of the week was filled with various activities--Bunco at the Rice's, ladies class at Debbie Curtis', lunch with Marvin and Sheila, dinner with Logan and Elizabeth, Don Pablo's with Kathy, Hayden, and Brianna, Sunday night dinner with the Spargos, McCamerons, and Beckleys, a sleep-over with Hannah and Abi Beckley, breakfast with Simona and the kids, and of course a trip to Alabama!!! The girls also ate lunch with Steve's parents on Sunday and went skating with Hannah, Lucas, and LeeAnn on Monday evening. This was in addition to the eating out and shopping the girls and I did together.
Welcome to Alabama--see the sunshine!!!
The flight home was scary--the trip from CVG to Detroit was AWFUL--thought we were plummeting to our death a few times due to the turbulence. We finally arrived in Detroit, ran to our connecting flight, made it as they were beginning to board, and then sat on the plane for TWO hours due to the snow and ice that was coming down!!! The plane was de-iced once and because of the amount of snow coming down, it had to be de-iced again before we could leave the gate. The flight was smooth once we got up, the girls slept, and we landed at Gatwick--very glad to be home.
I believe we are all back on England time--Emma went to dance class last night, Michaela
went to school this morning and dance class tonight, and Nayla came this morning (her mom just started a new job and I will be babysitting her until they get at spot at the CDC). We are back to life as we know it!!!!