ttthump, tttthump
car door opens
car door closes
car door opens then closes
loud diesel truck drives away
...the result
I guess this white and green flag makes it official...we are leaving England:(
Funny unrelated anecdote...
When we first moved here in 2005, Stephen took the girls and I into Banbury--one of the larger towns around us--for dinner at Pizza Hut (because of course, when you arrive in England and want to experience the British culture, what place is better to mingle with the locals than good ol' American Pizza Hut:). While we were walking through town, Michaela looked up on the side of a building and saw a large sign that said TO LET. (If she was down here and knew I was sharing this story with you, she would be squealing, "Mommy, stop telling this story. I was only 8!!!" But she isn't down here and I love this story. And yes, she was only 8!) She looks at us, and says, "They left the i out of toilet." Needless to say, "I have to go to the TO LET." has become a family joke that she fears will haunt her always.