I am so thankful that this week has come to a close...
Time to relax a little and get ready for the craziness of next week!
Steve is home tonight...
He drove home after work for a night of
5 times climbing onto the roof...
but it was worth it!
This is SUPPOSED to be Steve's last week end with the Guard...
After 23 years he is retiring...
but as with all military procedures there is a problem with the paperwork....
he'll find out tomorrow if he has to drill for a few more months....
military intelligence~~~HA!
Michaela worked past her fear of singing in front of people...
and tried out for a part in the 8th grade play...
the cast list came out today...
she is a candy kid...
We do not know what part that is...
We do know it is a minor, minor part...
but we are so proud of her for stepping WAY out of her comfort zone and trying!!!
Michaela is just thrilled she does not have to sing a solo on stage!
Emma had a GREAT week..
It is almost scary how well it has gone...
She is reading everything in sight...
Hard to believe just a few months ago we couldn't get her to willingly read anything...
soon the days of spelling things we do not want her know about will come to an end:(
While Steve was up on the roof tonight he looked down and said..
"Have I mentioned how much I like my job?"
My response...
"Have I mentioned how much I like you having a job?"
It's the little things--paychecks and insurance--that make me happy.
We will be cutting down our Christmas tree this week-end...
a family tradition we were not been able to do for the last few years...
I cannot wait to see Emma searching for the 'perfect one'...
It is the anticipation and excitement in the girls' faces that make the season special!
Steve and Emma are downstairs watching Santa Clause is coming to Town...
Michaela is in bed reading...
I am upstairs enjoying peace, solitude, and.....
Tomorrow is filled with cleaning and studying...
so I am going to enjoy the rest of the fire...
and then go up to my nice warm bed compliments of my husband who sleeps on my side of the bed until I come up so it will be nice and warm for me!!!!
it's one of the reasons I keep him around!