Another week filled with house projects and organizing...
but with a FOR SALE in the yard to show for the endless work!
School is coming to an end...
only 6 more school days...
and then I will be the parent of a 2nd grader...
How did THAT happen!
One of the reasons we have continued taking dance classes at MJM Studio is that we have never had to worry about the music chosen or the costumes...
until this week.
Michaela's dance team has been invited to dance at a minor league baseball game...
the jazz teacher decided the girls were going to wear dance shorts and t shirts...
um, dance shorts are basically underwear and mac does not own a pair.
So...Michaela told the studio owner that she would not be dancing due to the inappropriateness of the costume.
Standing up for your morals can be difficult sometimes!
I am pleased to say that after explaining the reason Mac would not be dancing...
Mary Jo sent me an email apologizing, stating she 'must have lost her mind' to think that the shorts would be appropriate.
She thanked me for 'keeping her in line'...
and has sent an email to the dancers changing the costume!
Standing up for your morals can be rewarding sometimes!
Emma has had another coughing episode.
For the last year she has developed a horrendous cough a few times a month...
which nothing relieves and stays with her for weeks.
This week we had had enough...
so she went to the Dr's.
The Dr heard wheezing in her lungs...
Steve had horrible asthma as a child...
and now Emma has a rescue inhaler!
Definitely NOT one of the traits I wanted Steve to pass on to her.
Today was Emma's Fairytale Ball at school...
I braided yards of yarn last night...
and today Rapunzel went to the ball!
I am off to get ready for bed.
Tutoring tomorrow...
and mowing and mulching...
if we could actually have day without rain!
Or even just a few hours of dry weather!
Have a great weekend!