Tuesday, September 08, 2009

yeah!!! wish i hadn't done that...

One lesson we have had to have many discussions about as Michaela grows older is that of the accountability for our choices and actions.

because there are not too many things that aggravate me more than for someone to blame all of their life failures on others.

Boy do I regret that principle ALOT right now!!

I would LOVE to be able to blame this decision on someone else...

but I must take my own advice.

I will own it...

This mess~~ALL ME!!!!

I thought it would be a great idea to leave the sprinkler on for Cali {She loves playing in the water} while Emma and I ran up to Toys R Us to spend her birthday money.

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

What I did not take in to account was the hole that was in the middle of the hose~~compliments of the furball...

a hole that was positioned in the landscaping next to the patio.

I do have to say, my plan was a success...

Cali had a good time in the water...

and the mud!

She had such a great time the mud was on the door, the siding, the play kitchen, anywhere she could get it.And even better than the mess outside...
was the mess she made when she sneaked into the house...I am just thankful that we captured her before she put her nasty paws on my furniture!!!
Whose idea was it to get a dog????