Emma Shea was playing dress-up after school...
She decided she wanted to give skating a try...
She put on Michaela's old skates~~~that were too big for her...
and she 'skated'.....
Sharing is something we began teaching the girls when they were very young...
and Emma is GREAT at it....
she was sick...
and she shared the sore throat, fever, congestion, and aches with me!!!
of course, I also learned the lesson well and have shared my yuck with Michaela. :)
Emma was playing outside in her 'clubhouse'...
she slid down the ladder and scraped her shin~~~there were no tears; we didn't know about it until...
she came up to me and said...
"Look, my leg looks like a mountain lion attacked me! But it didn't, I fell down the ladder."
Shew, I was worried that we had a mountain lion loose in our back yard!!!
I was so happy to be able to see my friend Renea and her girls on Tuesday...
we had a good time talking after they came back from 'the concert'...
I miss the late night talks...
I sure wish Alabama was closer to Kentucky!!
I finished my Chemistry class on Thursday...
I felt terrible, but I drug myself into the Final...
96 on the Final and 97 for my final grade...
Except Dr. Repaske wants me to tutor Intro. Chemistry next term!
Steve called me a 'nerd' on Thursday...
I simply made the comment that I wished my new instructors would post the syllabuses up early so I could start studying...
Does wanting to study on my week off make me a nerd?
Don't answer that:)
I am going to go watch another episode of Murder One on the computer...
and then I am going to head up to bed....
Sweet dreams!!!