Today was Michaela's dance exam. She has been dreading this for many weeks now. The RAD requires the dancers to do the preparation and bar work, a ballet dance, and a character dance for a RAD examiner. The dancers are scored and move up to the next dance 'grade' if they score within the necessary range.
She has worried and worried about this and probably would have chickened out--if she thought I would let her. Of course, when I picked her up after the exam ( we were not allowed to wait here for her) she had a big grin on her face and came running up to the van. The examiner was nice (some of them are very stoic, serious British women) and Michaela felt confident in her performance. (which was why I made her do it). If only she would remember the good feelings she has after she does something she has feared--she would probably not fear the next thing quite as much. But.....what do I know:)